Soulight Shining bv

The Upside of Unwanted Aura Hitchhikers

Author and Healing Medium Annemiek Douw shares her optimistic view on being harassed by dead people: They give good feedback and offer a chance to grow and heal. Do you know the feeling? You’re sitting next to someone at a birthday party and start to get really,...

21 Ways to Grow as a Soul

Author and Healing Medium Annemiek Douw talks about the work of Healers and Mediums and the boundaries that are being moved in the field of aura healing. Every person has a physical body surrounded by a cloud of energy: the aura. This human aura is an energy field...

Your Aura: A Reflection of your Life or a Tool to Change it?

Author and Healing Medium, Annemiek Douw, shares the basics of the energy field that surrounds our bodies and explains how it reflects and influences our emotions, thoughts, behaviour and wellbeing. When they look in the mirror, most people see just their physical...