Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Healing Hands Course, January ’16

What a lunch! I mean, what a day, what a course and what an excellent lunch we had January 29th. But actually I mean, what a great lunch we had!

Today I gave yet another Healing Hands 1 and we all got really silent during lunch… Not that there was nothing to talk about but the food, well, see for yourself and that’s why today I want to compliment Harold and Willem, who took such great care of us.

The course was very interesting as well since –although actually designed for professionals like nurses, physiotherapists and masseuses- 7 out of 8 participants had no real experience in this field. Nevertheless they all turned out to be quick studies!
 So I really enjoyed working with them. I really did. And they really liked the lunch they had….

HH1 29 1 16 salade

HH1 29 1 16 sandwich

HH1 29 1 16 cursist chocomelk

HH1 29 1 16 cursist 1

Reasons to be grateful

May 4, 2019. The day we Dutch people remember all the souls that gave their lives during all types of wars and peace keeping operations. I have another reason to be grateful today, since it’s also the day my lovely Labrador turned 12. 12 years of daily cuddles,...

A ‘nervous’ course

Finally (!), I was able to take photo´s during one of my courses again! It was already the third course this year and I hadn´t taken one photo yet, due to the restriction of the new privacy law. Yes, photo´s may be taken, but may not be used. It makes looking at or...

Hearing voices

Since a year I’m recovering from tears in my hamstrings and knee, after falling down the stairs. Of course I also have been healing myself on a soul level and energetically working with the pain and the traumatic origin, but still I had trouble walking and moving....

40 layers and coffee

Friday January 25th, 2019. A new course group ’40 layers of the Soul in practice’. It started off with two women crying, laughing at the same time. Two best friends from two totally different places that had forgotten to tell each other that they both were attending...

Healing traumatized animals

Sometimes my path crosses with a somewhat hairy male. Or hairy female, that’s possible too. Often they are unwelcome anymore but lucky fort hem they’ve found a new home. But still, they carry a heavy burden on their shoulders. Their history follows them wherever they...


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