Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Healing traumatized animals

Sometimes my path crosses with a somewhat hairy male. Or hairy female, that’s possible too.
Often they are unwelcome anymore but lucky fort hem they’ve found a new home.
But still, they carry a heavy burden on their shoulders. Their history follows them wherever they go.
The rejection, the fear, to be abandoned, unwanted, they’ve lost their safe heaven, their basis, all kinds of trauma that make them respond a little bit different than they normally would have done.
Often scared and edgy it influences the lives of them and their new found owner because it’s hard to enjoy live and love unconditionally when you’ve lost it all once before.

He’s called man’s best friend for a reason. And when you’re no longer welcome in your best friend’s house, it really hurts and you miss him dearly.

When a new dog owner visits my practice and tells me about his new pet and I sense that it’s traumatised, we’re quick to make an appointment and do a real ‘dog healing’.
Of course I normally specialize in Human Beings, but every Being is a Being, so I might as well give it a try.
And very often the dog (or cat, or horse) improves and develops new positive behaviour afterwards.
This week I met Senna a Bernese Mountain dog. Her name’s the same as my own black Labrador so I loved her instantly. Senna was replaced with her new family just a few weeks back and really was the sweetest thing. After a few minutes in which she was a bit anxious she wanted to cuddle and sit on my lap! 34 kg of dog crawling all over me, hugging and licking and sitting on my lap while I cuddled and tried to do my ‘job’.

Afterwards I was covered with water (she stepped into her water bowl and splashed all over me), sand, leaves and dog kisses and after we had walked in the forest with the two Senna’s and cuddled some more, it was time to say goodbye again. Needless to say that I hope she’ll be doing very well.

Christmas wish

Dear reader, No newsletter this year with an overview of the bestseller that was released in March, a successful retreat and other interesting facts. That newsletter will come in a couple of months: the contours of a new book are emerging, new programs both in the...

Best Selling Author

I was ill, having a fever, coughing and sneezing and I couldn’t sleep. Restless as I was, I checked my email on my phone around 4 am and then smiled. Time differences sometimes come in handy. While I was struggling through the night, someone overseas, from Radhaa...


Around Valentine's Day, you can sometimes feel very alone. Even if you think it’s just a commercial day, on February 14 it's sometimes just a little less fun to be single. So many people seem to enjoy a relationship. And maybe not even enjoy it, but at least they're...

Long COVID and the layers of the Soul

I’m a specialist working in the 40 Layers of the Aura, the 40 Layers of the Soul. After months of working with former COVID-patients healing their issues in their auras, I noticed something interesting that I would like to share. A few months back Mandy came to my...

Think yourself out of the Box

What can you do to end a (sometimes global) stalemate, if you experience that what is happening in (your part of) the world is not in accordance with your highest values. When it’s simply not right, according to your heart? A big cloud covers the earth. It consists of...

Renewed English website annemiekdouw.com is online!

I am very happy with it because I suddenly realised that it's quite a lot of work to create both a Dutch and an English website and keep them up to date, give people and animals healings, give individual and group courses, write books, train people individually, teach...

Healing Flowers and old sorrows

Saturday afternoon, 2.15 pm, 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The sun is shining and the whole world seems to be free and enjoying it. Everyone except the about 160 members of the Professional Association of Therapists with whom I am in a long online members meeting....


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