Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Just an ‘ordinary day’ in my practice

What a special day it was.

It started with a sweet young boy, 11 years old and HSP. His mum told me that he had told her that he sometimes felt the urge to jump; he didn’t really know how to live life and how to connect to others because he thought he was so different. He wasn’t to keen on visiting me because today was a sports day at school (lots of sports all day!) and he didn’t want to miss that, the one fun school day this year.

I really enjoyed working with him though and after 1,5 hours he went home again. A few hours later his mothers texted me, saying: Thanks! He calls today “ Liberation day” Wham!!! J

And I was happy.

Meanwhile another client visited my practice for the first time. She just returned from vacation and told me that she had read both my books twice in the last few months and read the first one during her holiday in France last week for the third time, because she enjoys them so much. Then she gave me a lovely present, a French piece of soap with roses and a beautiful card: beautiful human being, you make life lighter (does this one even translate in English?).

2016-06-28 19.21.35

Later today I drove to a home of a client who lives with two beautiful children, her husband and three cats in an exquisite home. The only thing is, they hardly sleep and the energy was horrific, although some colleagues of mine already did a lot of good.

When I entered the living room a saw a grand piano, a black one who owned the room. A wonderful sight. When I looked more closely a saw some difficult energy fields which literally took my breath away. When I mentioned that field the husband told me that hat was exactly what he had felt this morning, like a lot of other days. No air. No breathing space. A negative field which made people lose their faith in their own abilities followed. He recognized that too.

Some other ones got cleansed and then I turned to the grand piano. There I connected to the 3 ET’s I already noticed when I connected to the home when the appointment was made and I needed to check whether I could really do something to help. When I saw these 3 creatures I knew I needed to visit and so I did. But they weren’t that convinced. So I told them I came to help them to the place they wanted to go and not just make them leave. I asked him to scan me and my purposes and so they did. Instantly their mood and the atmosphere changed and I was allowed to help them.

Time and time again I feel moved when these things happen. Really connect to other beings from the heart and unlikely yet great things are allowed to take place.

When all the work was done, I was invited to stay for dinner and since macaroni was on the menu (my favourite ever since I was a kid, I always asked to have that on my birthdays) and it was prepared in an almost similar way as my mother used to do, I happily accepted and had a great meal with this hospitable family.

What a happy day it was and reflecting on it I realize it still is.

Reasons to be grateful

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