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Book 21layers of the soul

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An (un)ordinary week in my practice

I have awesome work, but some weeks are even more fun than others.

Last week was a wonderful combination: on Monday I gave an individual course day: Following your life path. A very long full day in which the past was healed and new ideas were born, both for work and on a personal level. All the good was energetically captured in the aura (human energy field) through all kinds of beautiful exercises, guided meditations and working with timelines and lifelines.

ordinary week 1

During the break we were able to have lunch in the garden due to the lovely weather. My current favourite sandwich: whole wheat crispy with humus, avocado and tomato was also part of the party.

ordinary week 2

The 3 days that followed were dominated by a continuation of the Talking to the Other Side course (In this case: talking to your deceased father) and intensive treatments and many telephone (or video) consultations. From young to ‘old’ (sorry Marijke :-)) clients came in a human form.

ordinary week 3 Huskies

After that, Friday was reserved as usual for animal consultations. This time for two beautiful Huskies, Maya and Fay.
Since patient confidentiality also applies to animal clients, I can’t say exactly what they came for. What I can say and what is interesting to mention is that one did not like to be touched. So I mainly worked in the aura. And when I honoured that unwritten but clear rule, she came to lie comfortably with me and I was allowed to do whatever was necessary in her aura.

The other found touching a bit stressful, because she had had some less positive experiences with injections at the vet. It was wonderful to see how, after a while of physical treatment, she cuddled up to me and just let me have my way.
Every time I started to work on a new, difficult part, she looked at me for a moment as if to say: is that really necessary? But then I got another lick and I was allowed to continue. When we were done, her whole body was supple and relaxed again.

ordinary week 4 sleeping Husky
And very special: you never have to tell animals to drink well after a treatment, just like with people. They do it automatically, so there was a lot of slobbering.
What also strikes me about animals, is that in their bodies they store a lot of experiences, which we as humans do not realize.
Loneliness and separation anxiety, for example, after a divorce or death of a previous owner. Shoulders locked with grief. Necks that barely move can suffer from a trauma that can make them insecure and just like people get into their heads and try to analyse everything in order to do it right. Tails attached to a stiffened tailbone from which the stress drips. So much can go wrong, and it can often be solved relatively easily.

All in all, it was a super week that started with figuring out the life path for someone and finding out: (how) are you on track?
A week that ended with confirmation for me that I am doing exactly what I was born to do. And that is a wonderful feeling.

ordinary week 5 Life path

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