Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Christmas wish

Dear reader,

No newsletter this year with an overview of the bestseller that was released in March, a successful retreat and other interesting facts. That newsletter will come in a couple of months: the contours of a new book are emerging, new programs both in the Netherlands and abroad (in Dutch and in English) are in the making and, in addition to my individual sessions, I am busy writing retreats and organizing Healing Weeks and building beautiful collaborations.

So I will have a lot of news in a few months time. But not just yet.

Today I post my Christmas wish for you. It takes just a minute and you can find it here.


Warm wishes, Annemiek

Flowers from a grateful client

Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet from Marcel. He suffers from MS and came to thank me for my help during the stem cell transplantation he had in Mexico in November 2016. Having such a procedure in a country far away is kind of expensive and therefor he...

Moved to my new practice

After months of being relatively silent, I proudly present the first photographs of my new practice! I can hardly believe that from now on I can work in this beautiful place. I’m so grateful and every time I pass through the waiting room and enter my practice, I feel...

Not one bridge too far

Yesterday we finally did it: 7 of the course participants and I went to Arnhem, to help hundreds of souls go to the Light. Most of them died during WOII and were still not able to leave the battlefield. During a course in March we came to talk about it and since the...

Just an ‘ordinary day’ in my practice

What a special day it was. It started with a sweet young boy, 11 years old and HSP. His mum told me that he had told her that he sometimes felt the urge to jump; he didn’t really know how to live life and how to connect to others because he thought he was so...

Healing Hands 2, June 3rd 2016

Today I gave another course Healing Hands 2, (learning) to heal the aura. This time I wasn’t in France but at the usual address, the Oude Wandelpark in Valkenswaard, in the Netherlands. During the introduction where everybody shared his background and his course...


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