Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Renewed English website annemiekdouw.com is online!

I am very happy with it because I suddenly realised that it’s quite a lot of work to create both a Dutch and an English website and keep them up to date, give people and animals healings, give individual and group courses, write books, train people individually, teach people how to Talk to the Other Side safely and help them find and follow their Life Paths, organise retreats, coach people, introduce companies to The 40 Senses and the amazing impact they have in your work, give interviews every now and then and recently also record an online healing (missed it? maybe watch the recording?) and …. write posts and find beautiful pictures for websites and Facebook. The latter has become a lot more difficult, due to all privacy legislation.
That’s why I’m extra happy that we succeeded and that my new English website is online (and that you’re visiting it now :-)).
renewed website annemiekdouw.com is online
Thanks to Marga Meesters from Internet-Meesters for the hard work.
Next week I’m going to empty my head at the seaside for a few days – for the first time dogless, that will be strange.
And though I’m out of office for a while, my assistants are there, as always, so if you need to make an appointment, please let them know!

Flowers from a grateful client

Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet from Marcel. He suffers from MS and came to thank me for my help during the stem cell transplantation he had in Mexico in November 2016. Having such a procedure in a country far away is kind of expensive and therefor he...

Moved to my new practice

After months of being relatively silent, I proudly present the first photographs of my new practice! I can hardly believe that from now on I can work in this beautiful place. I’m so grateful and every time I pass through the waiting room and enter my practice, I feel...

Not one bridge too far

Yesterday we finally did it: 7 of the course participants and I went to Arnhem, to help hundreds of souls go to the Light. Most of them died during WOII and were still not able to leave the battlefield. During a course in March we came to talk about it and since the...

Just an ‘ordinary day’ in my practice

What a special day it was. It started with a sweet young boy, 11 years old and HSP. His mum told me that he had told her that he sometimes felt the urge to jump; he didn’t really know how to live life and how to connect to others because he thought he was so...

Healing Hands 2, June 3rd 2016

Today I gave another course Healing Hands 2, (learning) to heal the aura. This time I wasn’t in France but at the usual address, the Oude Wandelpark in Valkenswaard, in the Netherlands. During the introduction where everybody shared his background and his course...


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