Soulight Shining bv




Book 21layers of the soul

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Renewed English website annemiekdouw.com is online!

I am very happy with it because I suddenly realised that it’s quite a lot of work to create both a Dutch and an English website and keep them up to date, give people and animals healings, give individual and group courses, write books, train people individually, teach people how to Talk to the Other Side safely and help them find and follow their Life Paths, organise retreats, coach people, introduce companies to The 40 Senses and the amazing impact they have in your work, give interviews every now and then and recently also record an online healing (missed it? maybe watch the recording?) and …. write posts and find beautiful pictures for websites and Facebook. The latter has become a lot more difficult, due to all privacy legislation.
That’s why I’m extra happy that we succeeded and that my new English website is online (and that you’re visiting it now :-)).
renewed website annemiekdouw.com is online
Thanks to Marga Meesters from Internet-Meesters for the hard work.
Next week I’m going to empty my head at the seaside for a few days – for the first time dogless, that will be strange.
And though I’m out of office for a while, my assistants are there, as always, so if you need to make an appointment, please let them know!

French courses, May 17th 2016

This afternoon I said goodbye to my ‘first international course group’ ever; consisting of solely Dutch members who especially flew in for the 2-day course Healing Hands 1 and 2, Working Energetically and Healing the Aura. On Friday afternoon they arrived from all...

France, May 11th, 2016

Today I arrived in Ginestous, France, the place where I’ll give two courses, both in Dutch and in French in the coming week. Before I went here, I spent four days in Le Mas Chouchet in the Limousin, a beautiful place with lovely owners, Frank and Tineke, who just...

Almost there -my departure to France…

April 30th, 2016. Almost there. All the course materials for my first international courses ever, is ready. Next week I’ll leave for the South of France to conduct two courses, both two days long and after that I’ll do a series of healings with French clients. I’ll...

Healing Hands Course, January ’16

What a lunch! I mean, what a day, what a course and what an excellent lunch we had January 29th. But actually I mean, what a great lunch we had! Today I gave yet another Healing Hands 1 and we all got really silent during lunch… Not that there was nothing to talk...

Passed my exams!

Yes, I did it: Just received the results of the exams (medical stuff) the insurance companies have forced us therapists to take all over again. And I passed 🙂 !!! So, from January 1st, 2017 the clients will still be compensated for their sessions with me!!!  

Healing Hands courses December 2015

On December 4th and 11th I gave two courses: Healing Hands 2, how to work in the aura and HH advanced. They were both memorable. HH2 was about why you should ground yourself and the client, how to do that and how to differentiate between your own feelings, pains and...

First course: 40 layers of the Aura

October 9th  '15: for the first time in history I gave the course The ins and outs of the 40 layers of the Soul. A day in which I tried to summarize all the content of my books about the layers of the aura: 1 to 40. A brave attempt in which I almost succeeded. I ‘only...

The Waterboys and Annemiek Douw?

October 4th '15 I visited a concert of the Waterboys, in Eindhoven the Netherlands. It may sound a bit strange, but I’m not a fan, I’m also not not a fan, I just love one of their songs: The whole of the moon. It’s an oldie and I believe it came out in the year I...

Healing Hands- the basics

October 2nd 2015 I gave another course Healing Hands- the basics. 8 Participants, 4 treatment tables (is that even a word in English? It sounds sooo Dutch), outside the sun was shining thus creating a perfect setting for us to reflect and discuss the healings we just...


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